Vive 1 día gratis de experiencia Bodytech en Chipichape
Válido por una vez cada 3 meses.
Llegar a BodyTech es muy fácil, solo debes bajar desde el hotel al segudo piso del centro comercial Chipichape y ubicarlo en el local: 8-246 – 247 o pregúntale a un guarda de seguridad de seguro ellos te orientaran.
Or if you prefer, click on the link so that you can locate it through google maps.
Visita la página de Instagram y sigue las cuenta de club bodytech oficial.
Oferta Exclusiva en sede Chipichape (Cali) Aplican términos y condiciones, consúltalos en www.bodytech.com.co1
Important: Guests must not be recent customers or have previously registered with Bodytech® with any other type of coupon or voucher, as it can only be redeemed once.
On the other hand, the trainings must be carried out within the hours of the store inside the shopping center (5:00 am – 9:00 pm).
Imágenes de referencia. Bodytech®. Usado bajo licencia. Todos los derechos reservados. Válido únicamente para huéspedes de Hoteles Spiwak Chipichape y Hotel Spirito by Spiwak de la ciudad de Cali.
Spiwak Hotels In the search to provide a differential service to our guests, it has generated strategic alliances with different brands of the Chipichape Shopping Center, however, Spiwak Hotels does not maintain a contractual relationship, nor is it responsible for the service or product purchased with any of the allied brands; each brand is free to determine the type of product, promotion and/or discount offered, as well as its conditions to be redeemed; being the main one, presenting the key of any of our hotels to make it effective at the time of payment.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact mercadeo@spiwak.com