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¿Cómo celebrar el Día de la Secretaria en Cali?

What to do for Secretary's Day in Cali?

If you're wondering what to do for Secretary's Day in Cali, we offer you great ideas to celebrate this valuable human resource.

From giving a gift to organizing a lunch in their honor with the whole team, this time is the perfect opportunity to recognize the work of our (and also ours!) administrative assistants.

So keep reading to learn more about why Secretary's Day is celebrated in Colombia and, of course, to suggest what to do or where to spend Secretary's Day in Cali.

When is Secretary's Day celebrated in Colombia?

Also known as Administrative Assistant Day, this holiday is typically celebrated every year in the last week of April in several countries like the United States and Canada. Although in other nations it's commemorated at different times (for example, South Africa and Brazil celebrate it on different dates in September), this observance usually has its official celebration in Latin America between April 23rd and 30th, the same time it is celebrated at the north of the continent.

As a very special period to celebrate millions of administrative assistants everywhere, thousands of businesses, restaurants, and stores all over prepare to offer the best services and products to give as gifts on the chosen date for their celebration:

Whether at the beginning, end, or middle of the workweek, the important thing is that it's a day established to remember the popularity of a profession that, although it originated with merchants, scribes, and accountants in the ancient world, was modernized with the invention of the typewriter in the late 19th century and became popular with the mass inclusion of women in the workforce during World War II.

To honor our administrative assistants and secretaries in Cali on their day, why not consider some of the following alternatives?

Agasaja a tu secretaria con un almuerzo muy especial en la oficina o sus afueras
Treat your secretary to a very special lunch in the office or outdoors

Arrange a special lunch for them

If you like this option but still wonder where to celebrate Secretary's Day in Cali, you can either organize a unique lunch at the office or, for something different, take the honored members of your administrative team to a nearby, prestigious, or beautiful restaurant with a special menu for the occasion...

At our restaurant La Zarzuela, you have access to a new menu with dishes and drinks for all tastes, along with promotions that we usually announce on our social media platforms, and all the advantages of being located within the Spiwak Hotel, in Chipichape Shopping Center, with parking service...

It's an opportunity for you to thank your administrative team for all they do, and you can book your reservation via Whatsapp, by emailing us at lazarzuela@spiwak.com, or if you prefer, for more information, by calling our numbers: +57 (602) 3959999 extension 2370 or +57 (316) 690 9586.


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Give them a personalized gift

Another option is to offer your administrative staff or secretaries a personalized gift, which can be practical (such as an item useful for their work, daily routine, personal care, or another aspect of their life) or something that reflects their particular interests...

Some people combine their gifts with the offer of an experience associated with the given present, such as a special cake or breakfast with the entire team, a makeup course, or an individual growth activity... But there are also companies that give gifts outside the ordinary: a chocolate, cheese, or wine tasting, a cooking or mixology class, or tickets to a music or entertainment event, among other examples.

In any case, endless possibilities arise to pamper your administrative team on their day... Even if you have a corporate agreement with us, at Spiwak Hotels, why not take advantage of it by giving a night with us to your secretary and their partner on their day? Because with their stay at our luxury hotel in Cali, our guests also have access to the benefits of purchasing with interesting discounts at the stores of Chipichape Shopping Center. Learn more about it here and consider giving a day of comfort with us by writing to us on our WhatsApp, emailing us at reservas@spiwak.com, or simply calling us at +57 (318) 367 8727 or +57 (602) 3959999.


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Un obsequio, flores, tarjeta, o incluso una experiencia son ideas perfectas para regalar en este día
A gift, flowers, a card, or even an experience are perfect ideas to give on this day
Da a tu asistente administrativa un descanso muy merecido en esta fecha
Give your administrative assistant a well-deserved break on this date

Grant them a day off

One of the best ways to show appreciation to your administrative assistant is by offering them a day off after long, hard-working days... Because the accumulation of stress and fatigue can have negative consequences on people's productivity.

In this sense, a day of relaxation is psychologically perfect for distancing your assistant from work, allowing them to recharge their energy and even return to their work activities with renewed enthusiasm... And if this day allows them to sort out any personal matters that worry them, or simply indulge in one of their hobbies, even better.

Therefore, if your intention is to give your secretary a day of leisure, you can consider giving them this moment for their own free disposal, or if they prefer, consider our romantic and day-use plans at our two hotels, Spiwak Chipichape and Spirito by Spiwak, as an alternative for their rest.

Whether it's for a romantic overnight stay with their partner, or just to spend the day in our pools, we assure you that this will be a plan they will greatly appreciate and will make you look like the best boss.


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Organize a unique recognition event for them

Some workers give their all. And sometimes, in the hustle and bustle of things to do and resolve within a company, we take it for granted or forget about it. That's why publicly recognizing someone's work, especially that of your secretaries, is always a good idea because apart from boosting team morale, it's also a nice way to say thank you for their daily efforts.

If posting a message on your company's social media or sending a group recognition email doesn't seem enough to thank your administrative employees, you can consider organizing a formal ceremony, either in the office or in an events hall, to pay tribute and also foster a good work environment.

From an awards ceremony to training sessions or a social gathering with your employees, any purpose is perfect to frame this moment of distinction. And we, at Spiwak Hotels, have a fully trained team to personalize your Secretary's Day event to perfection. Simply email us at our events address, direventos@spiwak.com, message us on Whatsapp, or call us at +57 (602) 3959999 extension 2446 for assistance.


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Reconocer el trabajo de tus auxiliares administrativos incrementa su sentido de pertenencia
Recognizing the work of your administrative assistants increases their sense of belonging
Empodera a tu equipo secretarial con cursos de formación que sean estimulantes para su carrera
Empower your secretarial team with training courses that are stimulating for their career

Reward them with financing a course or training opportunity

Providing administrative professionals with the opportunity to develop new skills and enhance existing ones has multiple benefits for a company. Aside from improving the work environment, it makes employees feel that they have opportunities to advance within their profession, reaffirming their self-confidence and increasing their satisfaction and identification with the company. This adds more value to the organization.

Therefore, if you feel that you can fund a training course or knowledge extension for one or more workers in their areas of expertise, do it: this will not only result in grateful and committed employees but will definitely optimize workflow and consequently improve your business's productivity.

Whether in classrooms at any academic institution, in your own offices, or elsewhere, learning will always be highly appreciated by your administrative team. And if you require a training space for one or several days, our hotels in Cali, Spiwak and Spirito, have more than a dozen event halls to hold training sessions of any size and capacity to carry out this task. Just call us at +57 (602) 3959999 extension 2446 for advice, or if you prefer, write to us at direventos@spiwak.com or on Whatsapp, and we will be happy to assist you.


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Support causes that are important to them

When employees see that their company actively supports issues that matter to them as individuals within society, not only does morale increase and the company culture improve, but it also fosters trust and loyalty among the team members who make up the organization.

Donating to a cause that is important to them or organizing a charity event in which they can participate are activities that generate identification and sympathy towards the organization. Therefore, involving administrative staff in such an event – especially on their day – can be one of the most inspiring actions when morale is low, routine becomes dull, or even when their own sense of purpose is in question.

If among your secretaries there is someone who is an ambassador for a social cause in their private life (there is usually always someone inclined to these things), a nice gesture is to support them in spreading awareness about their charitable work within the company or helping them raise funds for their initiative. If not, a good option is to consider the numerous volunteering and donation opportunities worth supporting in our city and involve members of your administrative team to give Administrative Professionals' Day a deeper meaning about the impact their career has on building a fairer society.


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Identifica a esos auxiliares con vocación social y apalanca sus iniciativas
Identify those assistants with a social vocation and leverage their initiatives
Invierte en herramientas que ayuden a optimizar el trabajo de tus secretarios
Invest in tools that help optimize your secretaries' work

Invest in some tool or software that facilitates their daily work

Another one of the best ways to make someone feel that their work is important is to invest in their role or department, especially in ways that make the job more enjoyable, efficient, or easier.

If you want your secretary or administrative team to have more energy and time for other tasks, to feel more empowered in their responsibilities, more listened to in their concerns, recognized for their achievements, or respected in overcoming significant challenges within their work, consider investing in a technological tool that facilitates their daily tasks.

If you lead a specific department, ask your administrative assistants to help you explore tools and training opportunities that are trending within the profession. And consider the opinions they give you about it to make their day-to-day management more satisfying.


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Plan a fun activity to build good team relationships

Having fun at work not only fosters a good corporate culture but also promotes productivity. Therefore, it's important for employees to enjoy their workday in order to establish healthy relationships with their coworkers.

Events, training activities, and icebreakers help workers at all levels to create genuine and even deep connections. And these opportunities are always an excellent way to celebrate and create a culture of teamwork.

Whether they're in person or virtual, events are ideal for celebrating Administrative Professionals Day in a fun way. So, to honor this occasion, consider scheduling an activity for your secretaries, administrative assistants, and employees to participate in a friendly competition or team-building game, either during the workday or as an extracurricular activity outside the office.


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Aprovecha el momento de hacer alguna dinámica divertida para reconocer a tu secretaria en su faceta profesional y humana
Take advantage of the opportunity to engage in a fun activity to recognize your secretary in both their professional and personal aspects

Because Administrative Professionals Day in Colombia is the loveliest opportunity of the year to show our gratitude to those who are the right hand of our ventures.

This season, come to the best place to honor our secretaries in Cali!

Hotels Spiwak: the premier venue for event organization in Cali, in the largest hotel complex in Valle del Cauca: with 462 rooms, 11 event halls, 2 VIP spaces, and the most exquisite fusion cuisine experience at our restaurant La Zarzuela.

With the most spacious rooms in the city, swimming pools, gym, and all the basic and entertainment services at your fingertips: banking area, supermarket, pharmacies, shops, cinema, casino, and much more in the magnificent Chipichape Shopping Center.

Its 462 suites, parking lots, easy access to the airport, and location in Cali's pink zone make it the most comfortable and convenient option for your corporate accommodation in Cali.

Enjoy the benefits of having your corporate rate plan with us!