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Los mejores planes para Semana Santa en Cali

Holy Week in Cali: 6 Cool Proposals

In this edition, we're excited to bring you a variety of plans to enjoy during Holy Week in Cali, whether with your family, partner, solo, or with friends. If you're still undecided and seeking relaxation during this holiday, we've got you covered!

Because Holy Week at Valle del Cauca presents the ideal chance to take vacations in Cali and discover (or rediscover!) the array of options that our region has to offer during this holiday season.

What to do in Cali during Holy Week?

Holy Week in Colombia is a highly anticipated period of rest in our country. Although its celebration is within the context of a very important commemoration in the Catholic calendar, such as the Passion of Christ, it is a cherished break for many workers and their families across the continent, and a highly revered holiday among Christian faithful.

Here's a menu of options for what to do in Cali during Holy Week. Choose the option that catches your eye the most:

Attend one of our most famous processions

Known as the "Divine City," our regional capital is frequently visited during this time for the beautiful and deeply rooted popular expressions of religious fervor that have taken place in its streets for ages.

Cali in Holy Week becomes a special destination where various cultural, spiritual, and even physical manifestations of devotion move and impress even the most skeptical, with emblematic events including:

Procesión en el barrio Colseguros de Cali
Procession in the Colseguros neighborhood of Cali
Peregrinos de todas partes vienen a pagar favores
Pilgrims from all over come to fulfill vows
Devotos en la iglesia del Complejo Religioso San Francisco
Devotees at the church of the San Francisco Religious Complex

The procession in the Colseguros neighborhood: a tradition that has been celebrated for over half a century in the vicinity of the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Young people from the School of Christ Triumphant Carriers lift and carry heavy religious figures around the community on Palm Sunday, showcasing not just their physical strength but also the depth of their faith. This is evident in the calluses that form on their shoulders and the pride they take in participating in one of the city's oldest parades.

– On Holy Wednesday, every year the Archdiocese of Cali and the City Hall of Cali convene the traditional religious procession that marks the end of Lent, commemorating the day of the betrayal and condemnation of Jesus of Nazareth. In this regard, the oldest churches in our city such as La Merced, San Antonio and La Ermita, among others, participate in a grand procession along several of our main streets (such as Roosevelt Avenue), where thousands of people gather to observe huge sacred figures carried by hundreds of faithful representing various moments and characters of Holy Week. Other noteworthy Holy Wednesday processions to witness include those of the Parish of the Blessed Sacrament in the El Templete sector or the Church of Jesus the Worker in the neighborhood of the same name.

– The Stations of the Cross: The San Fernando Rey Parish recreates one of the city's most representative and revered devotions for this time of year in its surroundings, starting on the morning of Good Friday... However, this day is also special to witness, at the Metropolitan Cathedral of San Pedro Apóstol in Cali, the procession of the Fallen Lord: a Quito-styled wooden artwork that only leaves this temple on this day for the Way of Sorrows procession.

– Easter Vigil: Celebrated on the eve of Holy Saturday as the most important liturgical festival of the year. And in our city, La María Parish commemorates the Resurrection of Jesus at the Verde Arena Events Center from early dusk, with all its parishioners dressed in white, staying awake until the early hours of Easter Sunday.


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Take advantage of our entertainment offerings for the occasion

Holy Week in Valle del Cauca usually beckons thousands of Cali residents to enjoy other spaces outside their city, leaving our urban area relatively calm.

And since this is a period of spiritual reflection, Holy Week is perfect for taking advantage of all the cultural exhibitions and shows that our metropolis offers.

Among the activities we highlight are:

– Watch commercial or independent films in any of our cinemas: La Tertulia Cinematheque is the art cinema with the most comprehensive and varied selection of international films in the city, with ongoing programming. But if you're looking for cinemas closer by, remember that in our Chipichape Shopping Center, right next to our hotel, there's the Multiplex with an interesting lineup.

Or if you want to see a specific movie, you can also check the schedules of the following chains in our city: Cinecolombia, Cinepolis, Cinemark and Unicentro.

– Attend our theaters: the auditoriums of our Municipal Theater Enrique Buenaventura, Jorge Isaacs Theater, and Calima Theater are always ready to offer artistic performances.

If you're looking for activities for children in Cali during Holy Week, or simply want to enjoy a ballet gala or children's show with your kids, these theaters are good options.

– Visit our museums: nearby institutions like our La Tertulia Museum will also have their exhibitions open during this week and you can visit them.

But if you want to expand your options, click on this list to discover all the museums that our city offers you.


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Desatrasarse con el cine es perfecto en Semana Santa
Catching up on movies is perfect during Holy Week
Museo La Tertulia
La Tertulia Museum

Enjoy typical Easter cuisine in Cali and our Valle

Your Holy Week vacation in Cali will be complete if you decide to follow what the Catholic precept establishes for this time and what our Valluna gastronomy offers you to fully experience this season.

In this regard, the most practiced rule is the one that avoids the consumption of red meats on holy days... That's why many dishes from our tradition for this season feature fish, chicken, pork, and seafood as protagonists. During dates like these, you can find any of the following which are very special:

Sancocho de gallina colombiano
Colombian hen "sancocho"
Hojaldras Vallunas
The hojaldras: a typical sweet flake from our valley

– Chicken “sancocho”: the quintessential potage of our regional cuisine, with those from the towns of Ginebra and Pance (on the outskirts of Cali) being famous.

– Pandebono soup: considered in our region as a vigil dish, also consumed for Sunday lunch on Resurrection Sunday. It is a creamy soup made with traditional pan de bonos. You can try a great one at the Ringlete restaurant.

– The cat at the pathway: in Spanish, the “gato trochero” but it is definitely not a cat!... It's a kind of cold-cut tamale wrapped in banana leaves, prepared by women for their men to consume during their break from hard work in the fields. A classic from La Leonera and Pichindé. Beware, the one for Holy Week must not contain beef!

– Seafood casserole: the “cazuela de mariscos”, a delicacy from our Pacific coast that you can't miss. And one of the best is right here, at our La Zarzuela restaurant. Made in the style of Maura de Caldas!

– Lenten cookies from the valley: literally called “cuaresmeros del valle”, delicious biscuits from our old recipes, consumed for 40 days before Holy Week as a sign of recollection and fasting. Those from Yumbo and those from the Las Córdobas Store in Palmira are famous, just a few minutes from the airport.

– The “hojaldras”: eaten at Christmas and during these days. A sugary flake from our region, a legacy of our colonial past that will satisfy any sweet craving. They are as regional as our “desamargado de limón” (lemon shells), the “dulce de grosellas” (sweet of currants), and the “espejuelo de guayaba” (guava mirror), desserts also typical of the town of El Cerrito during these times.


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Explore our traditions by visiting nearby towns

Holy Week in southwestern Colombia is famous throughout the country for what is perhaps the largest pilgrimage of devotees in the region during this period: the visit to the Basilica of the Lord of Miracles in Buga, an hour and a half from our Branch of Heaven, and whose schedule you can check here

However, it must be said that all the municipalities of Valle del Cauca are very active in the celebration of these dates, which makes each town in our department a highly attractive destination for tourism during Holy Week.

The enormous devotion of our people in its commemoration has earned our land its fame, and we invite you to discover the most significant customs of this time in several of our towns, such as:

– El Cerrito: Situated just 45 minutes from Cali, this town has been hosting a procession with the largest number of images in all of Colombia for over 180 years.

The ceremony, known as the Descent of Christ on Good Friday, draws the highest number of visitors and is regarded by its most devout believers as not only the most organized but also the second-best procession in the country.

– Guacarí: A welcoming municipality located 50 minutes from our regional capital, the Land of the Samán is another of those towns whose manifestations compete in beauty and importance with other localities.

Its main procession also takes place on Good Friday night, which is different from the others because crowds follow the figure of the Virgin of Sorrows, lighting the way and reciting the rosary.

– Restrepo: On the way to Lake Calima, you'll find this town known not only for its delicious enyucados and corn bunuelos for these days but also for its famous Procession of La Soledad.


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El Cerrito
El Cerrito
Virgen de la Dolorosa
The Virgin of Sorrows

Immerse yourself in nature

The pilgrimage to our tutelary hills is one of those things to do in Cali during Holy Week that are typical... Physical exercise, contact with nature, and the wonderful view of our city are elements that come together with the faith of thousands of people who come to our peaks to thank Jesus Christ for his sacrifice.

One of the most popular activities is the climb to Cerro de los Cristales to visit Cristo Rey... But the following options are still available, which are equally traditional:

Cerro de Las Tres Cruces
The "Cerro de las Tres Cruces", or Hill of the Three Crosses
Monumento a la Virgen de los Yanaconas
Monument to the Virgin of the Yanaconas

– Hiking to Cerro de las Tres Cruces: The road next to our Hotel Spirito by Spiwak, Calle 36N in Chipichape, is one of the access points to ascend this famous hill. This activity commemorates the legend of the expulsion of a devil who inhabited this summit, named Buziraco. Two friars, aiming to prevent his return, installed three bamboo crosses (later replaced by concrete ones)... Climbing up is a very special experience, which you can read more about here.

– Visit to the Virgen de los Yanaconas: also known as the Virgen de los Andes, it is a monument that people from Cali pay homage to during Holy Week, and it is ascended via this route, which takes about an hour and a half. Commissioned by the Marist Congregation, it is said to have been initially sculpted with mestizo features that were later modified to its current version.

– Pance River Spa: The most orthodox individuals argue that one should not bathe in a river during Holy Week. But in Cali, it is quite common for people to take a dip in the crystal-clear waters of the Pance River, south of the city, in the vicinity of the homonymous ecopark... This area has many lovely alternatives to offer, especially for relaxation during these days. We invite you to learn more about it in this link.



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What NOT TO DO during Holy Week

We want to conclude with the following recommendations to make your vacation not only a wonderful experience but also a meaningful one. Therefore, we invite you to follow these tips for your maximum well-being, safety, and the preservation of our spaces:

– Do not consume wildlife in a vulnerable or endangered state, nor participate in the illegal purchase of wild animals: our country faces a serious cultural problem that affects its ecological heritage. During Holy Week, there is a considerable increase in the sale and consumption of wild animals.

Iguanas, turtles, alligators, ocelots, sloths, armadillos, monkeys, parrots, capybaras, rodents, reptiles, amphibians, marsupials, and birds, among many other species, suffer greatly, but together we can put an end to this.

Please do not participate in this regrettable practice and help us report those who traffic in our endemic fauna and its meat by writing an email here, or through the following contacts in our department:


Denuncia los puestos de venta ilegal de fauna silvestre a través del +57-350.315.0844
Informa a las autoridades la venta ilegal de animales silvestres a través del número local +57-602.653.0869
Llama a los números +57-350.340.2733 y +57-316.747.1447 de la Policía Ambiental para reportar la tenencia ilegal de fauna silvestre

– Take all precautions and avoid exposing yourself to unfamiliar places: while sightseeing, we advise you not to wear flashy clothing or carry expensive gadgets. Although this time is for everyone to be on peaceful introspection, it's always wise to be wary and not to attract unnecessary attention. Similarly, we suggest being vigilant about street food vendors, ensuring that the establishments you choose appear clean and have their respective health certifications. Authorities make every effort to monitor seafood vendors and others to ensure compliance with the law to prevent food poisoning, but it's still recommended not to be swayed by offers with suspiciously low prices.

– Do not drive under the influence: we encourage you to travel responsibly, avoiding putting yourself (or others) at risk due to alcohol consumption, drugs, sleep deprivation, or any other reason.

– Follow the accounts of various public agencies to stay informed: our institutions and media outlets are very active in sharing relevant information about this season on social media. Therefore, we invite you to follow their recommendations, heed their prevention campaigns, and cooperate with the authorities.

Respect people's beliefs and maintain a solemn attitude: as always, respect should come first, especially during this holy time. The people of Valle del Cauca are deeply devout, and the beliefs of the past, though recognized as myths, still play a part in the charming narrative of how Holy Week is experienced in the region.


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We hope this information proves helpful for you to enjoy our beautiful city during these days.

Looking forward to welcome you at our Branch of Heaven!

Spiwak Hotels: the best accommodation option for your Holy Week vacations in Colombia and the third largest hotel complex in our country. Located in the northern part of Cali, with easy access to the Alfonso Bonilla Aragón International Airport, in the luxurious Chipichape Shopping Center.
With 462 rooms, two pools, a gym, and access to all the basic services and entertainment you may need: banking area, supermarket, pharmacies, shops, cinema, casino, and much more.

Our restaurant La Zarzuela offers a menu specializing in fusion cuisine, using local ingredients from the Colombian Pacific and sophisticated techniques from the Mediterranean. And our bar La Tasca is the perfect spot to spend the afternoon with friends and enjoy tapas in Cali.

Come and experience our exceptional hospitality service today!