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Guía del turista by spiwak banner

At SPIWAK HOTELS, we have crafted our very own tourist guide, packed with all the essential information you need to make the most of your time in our vibrant city.

We are dedicated to ensuring you have endless possibilities of what to do in Cali and its surroundings. With our regularly updated content, you will always have a comprehensive resource at your fingertips. So, embark on your journey of exploration with confidence and enjoy an unforgettable stay with us!

Explore the following options to tour our beautiful city or to discover more about the Valle del Cauca region

Where to Celebrate Father's Day in Cali?

Where to spend Mother's Day in Cali?

Where to go shopping in Cali?

Actividades para niños en Cali

¿Dónde hacer deporte en Cali?

Cali: A Great Destination for Senior Tourism in Colombia

Lugares para bailar salsa en Cali

Where to eat in Cali?
A street food guide

Where to See Whales in Colombia?
At our Valle del Cauca!

We love arts. That's why we're sharing with you some aspects of Cali's culture and Valle del Cauca's pride.

Cali: the best destination for
birdwatching in Colombia

Come to our
Cali International Book Fair 2023

Cali in August: month of winds and kites

Guide to enjoy the Petronio Alvarez Festival

What to do on Cali's anniversary?

3 sitios chéveres para ver humor en Cali

Exploring Cali's Architectural Treasures

9 películas colombianas que retratan a Cali en el cine.

Octubre: mes de la
Feria del Libro en Cali

La Ruta Turística del Encanto

Arte en los Hoteles Spiwak

Because they are our most pampered guests. Discover helpful information for your pet in Cali here

¡Lugares pet friendly en Cali!

Consejos para nuestros huéspedes peludos en Hoteles Spiwak

Be part of the solution: join the campaign of small actions to protect and care for our planet

Cali is the Sports Capital of Colombia! Discover why we proudly hold this title

Cali: plaza mundial del atletismo Sub-20

Mundial de Jinetes y Amazonas en Cali

3 aspectos de por qué la Copa América Femenina se realiza en Cali

Come discover why our city is a unique (and special!) destination during festive seasons.

¿Cómo celebrar el
Día de la Secretaria en Cali?

Where to celebrate Men's Day in Cali?

What to do in Cali during Holy Week?

Where to Spend Valentine's Day in Cali?

¿Qué hacer para Navidad en Cali?

Where to Spend New Year's Eve in Cali?

Halloween en Cali y turismo oscuro del Valle del Cauca

¿Qué hacer en Cali en diciembre?

Planes para celebrar la Feria de Cali

Planes románticos en Cali

Opciones para celebrar el Día del Padre en Cali

El Festival de Macetas en junio: una linda tradición caleña

¿Por qué se celebra el Día de Pedro y San Pablo en Colombia?

¿Dónde tomar whisky en Cali? ¡En nuestra cata de whisky de La Zarzuela!

Looking for a venue to host an occasion? We're sharing these tips to help you organize your events in Cali

Tu boda en Cali:
Tips para organizarla

Claves para organizar una primera comunión en Cali